Cheshire Democratic Women’s Club
Founded in 1986, the Cheshire Democratic Women’s Club is continuing its long tradition of encouraging the growth of an educated and conscientious electorate. The CWDW promotes the full participation of women in the Democratic Party and the political process, working in full cooperation with the Cheshire Democratic Town Committee, the Connecticut Federation of Democratic Women, and the National Federation of Democratic Women.
The CDWC is a political action committee registered with the Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC) and subject to operating within those regulations. Activities that the CDWC currently conducts are “Meet the Candidates” opportunities, a biennial presentation of the Ernest A. DiPietro Civic Pride Award, presence at the Cheshire Fall Festival, fundraisers to support an annual scholarship and other priorities determined by the members. We also host social events for the education and enjoyment of members.
An all-volunteer organization, the CDWC always needs members with energy, writing and digital technology skills, and current event interests, as well as hospitality, event planning, and fundraising experience.
Executive Committee
Anne Harrigan, President
Diane Visconti, Vice-President
Jacqui Trusty, Treasurer
Maura Esposito, Deputy Treasurer
Kathy Yacavone, Corresponding Secretary
Betty Bajek, Recording Secretary