Feb 3, 2024 CFDW luncheon hosted by CDWC
Our event featured speakers Senator Jan Hochadel; Jacqueline Kozin (Deputy Secretary of the State at Office of the Connecticut Secretary of the State); and Joyce Narden
Oct 10, 2023 (Pictures courtesy of Helen Wilson)
Hap Jordan and teens stand up for inclusion at Cheshire town hall demonstrations for Pride and Patriot flags, while an overflow crowd of advocates for Chesprocott filled the Council chambers.
SEPT 20, 2023 at Cheshire Craft Brewing. CDWC’s Meet The Candidates event and Ernest DiPietro Civic Pride award honoring the wonderful Kathy Yacavone for her many years of service to Cheshire, to women, and to democracy. Thank you, Kathy!

Cheshire Fall Festival Sept 9,2023
CDWC Volunteers and Cheshire Democratic Town Candidates came out on a very rainy Saturday to meet with our Cheshire neighbors at the 2023 Fall Festival.
CFDW Biennial Convention Saturday, June 17th 2023
May 20, 2023 CDWC Annual Spring Luncheon